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Social Media's Effects on education and student life

Social media has gained such a massive following that billions of individuals are now active on numerous social media sites. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Skype, and others are just a few of the many social media platforms used in the neighborhood. BDMI, being the best English medium school south Kolkata, maintains social media accounts and keeps students & parents updated with the ongoing activities as students and children utilize social media extensively in their daily lives. A person's day is spent browsing through their social media feeds for the majority of the time.

In today's world, social media has a huge influence on kids. They invest a large amount of time on various social media networks. Here are some statistics that show how common social media is in the lives of students and children:-

  1. By 2015, it is expected that mobile internet will have surpassed wired internet connectivity. The majority of internet users nowadays access numerous online pages, videos, social media, and other content via their mobile internet technologies.

  2. Children aged 2 to 11 make up a significant fraction of active internet users. Their offspring account for about 16 million of the total, or 9.5 percent of all online internet users.

  3. 73 percent of American teenagers who have access to the internet use social networking sites.

  4. A quarter of an individual's online time is spent on blogs and social networking sites.

Social Media’s Effects both in positive and negative ways. BDMI, one of the most popular south Kolkata schools English medium encourages students to keep positive ways and come out from negative experiences. 

Few Positive ways that BDM International School encourages students:

  1. Encourage Online Learning: 

The advanced use of Social Media platforms in schools in south Kolkata English medium encourages and motivates pupils to learn. Some of the primary components that contribute to educational development include educational videos on YouTube. YouTube is a platform to view educational videos, simple access to e-books, online notes, and learning via video calling. Social Media has enabled distance learning, which is one of the best ways to learn from a reputable organization while being in any area. There are numerous benefits from the online study groups online for various courses that students can join.

  1. Enhances Academic Performance: 

The most important benefit of social media is that it helps students improve their academic performance and knowledge by collecting data and information. The students in English medium school south Kolkata like BDMI, use various online platforms to obtain knowledge and discover answers to their problems.

  1. Enhances the Creative Element: 

Social media assists in the development of creative talents in children by allowing them to independently find and implement ideas. When a student begins to take images and use internet editing abilities to make them look visually pleasing, students hidden gift is frequently not covered. A large number of teenagers are also generating YouTube videos. Many students have unique interests that they document online through films and images, allowing them to see their potential as a career. In any classroom, the use of social media may be a valuable source of instruction that motivates pupils to learn.

schools in South Kolkata English medium, as BDMI, online technology is planned and implemented correctly, and it aids in the achievement of the desired level of education. Social networking sites help students build social and writing skills, which helps them reach their educational goals!

Along with the positive ways there are few negative effects of social media:

Schools are wary of encouraging pupils to use social media. There are various causes for this. The following are a few of them:-


When admissions officers examine a student's online presence, they say it has a negative influence on their impression of the applicant. The best south Kolkata schools English medium encourages screen time and reduces the negative effects on health and concentration to some extent. 


Nearly 70% of schools have prohibited the use of mobile schools on school grounds. This is due to the fact that these technologies are extremely distracting and impede the learning process.


With the use of mobile phones and social media, students are more likely to cheat on tests and employ unfair methods. It's difficult to catch and monitor such behavior.

As a result, the English medium school south Kolkata ensures that pupils use social media platforms responsibly and do not spend time on them by viewing irrelevant content. Learning and various extracurricular activities are encouraged through such channels, which drive students to excel in all aspects of their lives. For more details visit, admissions are ongoing for the academic year 2022-2023.


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