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BDMI follows main 3 strategies to Stay Motivated in an Online Classes

Taking online classes in pandemic times is the right option for you to take so as to keep your child safe from the spread of the containment “COVID – 19” and BDM International for the safety of the students as well as the society have been conducting Online Classes since the start of the lockdown season. 
Since the lockdown has been followed by the people in the society for a very long time, it has been difficult for students to keep in track with their studies as they are demotivated due to lack of socializing of children among themselves. Although students love to study but there should be a way for them that would motivate them to study online. 
In order to make students motivate and continue online studies, BDM International follows three main strategies during online class session. 

Creating Realistic Goals – Setting up of goals is important and setting big goals is the most important. However in order to dream big and to achieve them, it is important for your child to make dream that are realistic. Yes dreaming big helps your child to think higher thoughts and improve their academic performance, but it must also be kept in mind that their thoughts should have proper on-ground talks.
Here BDM International encourages students to have a look at their past performance and in order to improve we explain students to improve it step by step, take small steps at a time. Positive thought is important and we make students learn from the success and failure in each step. Explaining their weakness and how to convert their weakness in to strength. This would brighten up their mind, understand circumstance and then make them learn how to create realistic goal. 

Create a Sensible Schedule – With creating realistic goal it is also best for students to create a sensible schedule while being at home most of the time. With class timings happening in the day, make your child follow a time table that would keep their minds busy. As all work and no play make jack a dull boy, create a schedule for your child where they could take time to play indoor games, exercising after studying for a body stretch. This would refresh their mind and improve their focus as well as concentration on studies. 

Stay positive – Staying optimistic is the most important thing in such conditions. We make sure that while teaching, we examine students performance and with their weakness we explain how to strengthen it with positive response. Being calm is important and faculty members of BDM International follows this behaviour of being calm. This attitude of teachers would then make students take keen interest in lessons conducted online, finding it easier for them to learn more. 


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