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Festivals: Season of Celebration and its Importance in Schools

The rich and vibrant festivals of India are a testimony to our diverse tradition and culture. Festivals in India revolve around Lord’s birthdays, traditional myths, seasonal changes, relationships, and much more. Festivals are celebrated irrespective of religion or caste in the country, bringing people closer and creating a strong bond of humanity.
The spirit of celebration
Our age-old traditions have gifted the country with various festivals and culture. Many tourists come to India to witness the various celebrations and revel in the enjoyment. Earlier, there was something to celebrate every single day, so people had festivals for 365 days in a year. Once we grow up, we hardly get time to celebrate every occasion but as a child, we are always open to enjoy every bit of our culture and traditions. Now days, school also plays a very important role in this festive season to educate children regarding the Indian festivals and traditions.
Festivals in School
Celebrating festivals in schools have become an integral part of learning and building a strong cultural belief in a child. BDMI, one of the renowned CBSE schools encourage students to learn our traditions and culture.
Children will remember an important day only if they are told what the occasion signify, making them aware of the culture in a more fun way. The festivals organized at BDM International School are often celebrated with great pomp and gaiety. Apart from classroom activities, we also pay heed to other important festivals which must be celebrated in order to understand our country’s tradition.
Such celebration will bring students closer to traditional and cultural belief. A close bond is built between the students as they understand each other’s different customs. Being a diverse country, the students need to know what each festival means, and it is only through this celebration, he/she will get to know more about our country. 
Apart from building relationship and friendship, such celebration will bring happiness and love amongst the students.
Keeping its values intact, BDMI offer the right kind of educational system which is based on moral ethics. The school also believes that education will allow the child to bloom, blossom and thrives, giving them the right platform where they will work towards becoming a responsible citizen.


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