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Tips to stay motivated during exams

Exam days are the time where students face pressure from the books they need to study so as to pass to the next class. Tensions increase slowly one-two months prior before exam and students are deprived of proper sleep.
BDM International recognized as one of the best school in South Kolkata because of winning the "Best Stand Alone School of the Year", have certain tips for the students as to how to stay motivated during exams
1. Manage a 'To Do List' - One of the wonderful ways to succeed for the exam, following this method can be a good method to make you motivate you to take the interest in the subjects where you are weak at by giving time at it to learn from the mistake made and correcting it.
2. Exercise Daily - Yoga, one of the best ways to do meditate is healthy for your body as well as your mind. It keeps your mind and soul refreshed and thus allowing your brain to focus more in studies. Reducing your stress and giving you better sleep after that.
3. Keep away negative thoughts - Be optimistic! No matter whatever you are studying. Find out the reasons as to why you made mistakes in those subjects/topics and correct it. it directs you not to repeat the same mistake again.
4. Listening to music - At times, when tension is high and the mind is unable to take in more inputs from your books. Listening to soothing music helps your mind to cool down.
How does BDM International motivate students during an exam?
Our repute of being awarded as the "Stand Alone school of the Year (East)" and other such prominent award is because of the fact that we make our students be mature in every step they take during new academic years.
Especially during exam days, where we take certain steps to motivate them. Like:-
1. Directing them to use the right method of how to study.
2. Determining them to study every subject so as to avoid falling short of the pass mark.
3. Increasing the student's intellectual ability. Guiding them where they have made a mistake and how to rectify it.
So if you want to know more about our institute, simply visit us at


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