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Importance of Social Studies in Early Education

In the past few decade, it has been seen that social studies have been given less importance by teachers to teach students this subject where this subject is of equal important than that of the other subjects like Science, Maths, Commerce and Arts. It helps in developing the students thought process of how the world works and make them wiser as to how to implement the strategy so as to make the world a better place.
This subject deals in the teaching of how a person can learn to become a proper human being.  A respected individual by the mass people. It looks into explaining the students how people differ from one another in terms of behaviour, thinking-attitude, culturally and religiously. So as to show respect to one another and to continue their daily work smoothly. Through this, it is seen that it helps people to be more wise enough daily.
At BDMI, we inculcate the matter of social studies to the student in their early education as we firmly believe that if proper social study education has been taught to them at that time, it would make them wise enough to gain respect from people around the world. Their training about this in early age and implementing it would help them understand what kind of impact it can bring into the world.
So how can Social Studies develop children in BDMI?
Awareness to the World – Here at BDMI, we look into providing the basic teachings of social studies to students i.e. how and when should respect be given to family members, elders, younger’s, eminent persons, etc. We not only look into giving respect to people but also into people’s past, their work that has caused an impact to the world and what changes have been done to rectify the issue both locally and globally. This in turn lets students know their place in the world.
Awareness of the environment – Environment has surrounds people’s lives is as important to know about it. As it through this that impacts people’s living without which living beings could not exist if there is no proper environment. At BDMI, we teach students about the Earth, its natural resources and the uses of it. If utilized in an improper manner can cause a herm to living beings but also shows ways to conserve it by using it’s substitutes for their future generations.
Develop critical thinking – At BDMI we give students an opportunity to understand the issues that arise in the society at a certain sector of the region, analyze the issue and find a strategy as to how will they will be able to bring a solution about it so as it can bring a positive impact to the society at large. We help them by letting them speak about their ideas through public speech, debates, allowing them to know what the world to think about it and learn from them what more evaluation to their thought can they bring.
Enhancing the Social Understanding of Students and their customs – At BDMI, we make the students celebrate every religious and tradition customs that are being followed by their friends, classmate, etc. Traditions and customs being respected by people who are non-believers is one of the most important thing one person can earn the respect of another. What clothes are being worn, why is it celebrated, what’s the special thing about that particular day, etc.  Being learnt about these is one of the main aims of social studies. As Social studies deals with the study of the society also. Showing gratitude towards other customs is one of the best way to earn people’s respect and BDMI firmly believes that this is very important.
Hence with all the matter from above, we make sure that in BDMI the students are not only taught education through academics or through sports, something beyond that this. As we know how important is social studies and how it’s implementation can bring out an impact to the society at large.


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