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Necessity of Technology in Classroom

There is unlimited reason why technology is a key point of learning in the School.  Whether we like it or not, technology is everywhere; and in order for our students to survive in post-secondary education and the business world, they must know technology.
Here is given some reason why Technology is important in Classroom
1.      Students need it: Students are engaging with Technology day by day in and outside of classroom. Now they are learning, interacting with technology, it’s become a part of life.
2.      Students are the Digital Native: Students know technology more than an adult. It has become the easiest way they learn, because it is such an integral part of their life. Engaging with technology in the classroom has not only helped them learn better, but they also acquire multi-tasking skills. At this day in age, they hardly know how to learn without it. This knowledge is important, because they would be way behind in the real world without it.
3.     No limitation of technology: Having access to other information outside of the book gives students many different ways to learn a concept. Teachers can come up with creative ways to teach their students that keep them engaged. Technology has changed the learning environment so that learning is more hands-on.
  1. Multitude of resources: Computers, tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the teacher that’s not in the book. They not only keep students engaged with exciting new features and apps, but also have other ways to teach students material. Every kid learns differently, and technology helps with this gap as well.
  2. Technology keeps kids engaged: The students of this generation are considered technological learners. They learn best being more interactive, and technology is what helps them do that. Children often struggle to stay on task or interested, and with resources to help the teacher, they can better stay focused and learn faster.
Whether we like it or not, technology is an essential concept to learn. Because it changes so quickly, children are better off learning about it sooner. It is a primary part of every industry, and there is no way around it. These days, technology means more than just learning basic computing skills. Technology has made itself part of every aspect of our lives today, and the students who understand it are the ones who succeed in the business world.


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