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Internet's Impact on Education Today

Internet, its everywhere, all of us are wired in today's world and like everything education sector has gained tremendously from internet, now quality education is available to everyone from urban cities to the remotest corners of the planet, students of all ages and groups are now connected, they learn new subjects, interact with each other, get expert help & advice and lot more. Students don't have to depend on local libraries and teachers to learn something new, all theoretical and practical lessons are available online from science subjects to arts, commerce and extracurricular studies, and this has opened many doors not just educational ones but education related online jobs opportunities as well.
Now, before we all jump in euphoria lets hold our horses, not everything is hunky and dory, we all know about the dark side of the internet, the spam's, conspiracy theorists, the fake news and the flood of inappropriate content. To young learning minds difference between facts and fiction is very thin, shutting them down from internet is not an option, it's not even the right way, with growing kids we have to be extra sensitive, we need to answer their every questions even the ridiculous ones, this helps in their mental growth and perspective building. Apart from parents, schools and teachers play an important role in a child's growth, we discussed about lessons being available online but even all those lessons can never replace a teacher. A teacher nurtures and shapes students mind, their guidance is absolutely vital for the right upbringing. Internet should be used in a positive way, it is a great tool for learning not just for student but for teachers as well, teachers can expand their horizons and bring great lessons to students.
Schools, a temple of learning, rightly named they indeed are a place of great learning and growth. Many of us in the society thinks education as a privilege which is the root of the problem, education is everyone's right and it should be treated as such, schools should ensure a mindset of equality and mutual respect, Learning together is easy and fun. Internet doesn't discriminate that's why many find solace there, students from any cast, creed or class can learn whatever they want. Internet's impact on education is irrevocable, it's a fact we all should embrace and try to integrate it in our life in a positive way. There are many institutions who are taking lot of step in the right direction, one of them is BDMI school Kolkata, their holistic approach to education coupled with digital platform integration makes their curriculum one of the best amongst top public schools.
BDMI School Kolkata use the best practices to teach students how to be more socially aware and responsible. We encourage positive learning with the help of internet but at the same time we educate our students about relevant facts and make sure they are always moving forward in the right direction. To know more about BDMI visit us at


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