Generation Z is growing up with iphone's and imac's, everything they want to know is just a finger touch away, classrooms and playgrounds are being replaced with mobile devices, and social media gives enormous amounts of information all time, every time. Gen Z is maturing fast and so are their habits, they are more and more socially aware than any previous generations, and one aspect of life that influences the most amount of understanding and behaviour is politics, and we don't know how much politically aware our school going child should be!
We think of politics as dirty and corrupt but political scenario and the policies effect every aspect of our lives every day, today's students are tomorrow's leaders, so for students to be politically informed is absolutely vital, but how much is too much needs to be evaluated by parents and teachers periodically. Problem with most of the social media platforms today are that they are flooded with hate messages and extremist propaganda, so monitoring students social media exposure is needed for his/her moral well being. Parents and teachers should encourage students to read more newspaper because:
* Newspapers are a reliable source of information and have more journalistic integrity.
* It is free of extremist ideas and propaganda's.
It is very important for students to question political ideologies and views, find causes they believe in and argue merits and demerits of ideas and policies, it help in their moral growth and makes them socially responsible.
The seed of leadership and good morals needs to be sowed now, because we want children's to grow up to become the leaders we need, leader who will bring change to the society and impact our lives in a positive way. We need students to be good leaders whom the future generation can look up to and expect to lead them to a brighter future, we need to teach them from our mistakes and successes. Recently political apathy is growing, we trust less and less in our government and its policies, which is a dangerous trend and can lead to damaging results.
But again it is the political scenario that is changing so dynamically, that sometimes it becomes hard for students to figure out what's correct and what's not, this is the perfect time for parents and teachers to pitch in to guide them and help them understand and evolve. For a democratic country like India to develop we need to invest in our students and make sure that they have the right attitude and views towards society and its problems, because with the gift of education students can rise above cultural and religious dogmas which have plagued us, and provide real solutions to real problems.
We at BDMI school use the best practices to teach students how to be more socially aware and responsible, because we at BDMI groom the next generation of leaders, we want our students to reach for the sky and lead the world to a brighter future. To know more about us please visit
A hearty round of congratulations to the class XII students of BDM International for successfully passing the AISSCE & AISSE 2019 The science the section has performed the best with Sushmita De securing the first place at 97%, followed by Arkaprabha Haldar at 96.6 % for the second position and Rishiraj Baul coming third at 96.4%. From the Arts section, Kusumita Banerjee has secured the first position at 95.8%, followed by Tuhina Misra at 95.2% for the second position and Deepalika Deb comes third at 95%. From the commerce section, Ankana Kar has secured the first position at 94.4% and Sourjyadipta Mandal is securing the second position at 93.8% whereas Gourav Bhattacharya earned the third spot at 93.4%. The School also extends heartiest congratulations and deep appreciation to the toppers of AISSE 2019 with Ronjinee Chattopadhyay securing the first position by achieving 98.6%, followed by Brishti Chatterjee securing the second position by achieving 98.2% and the third...
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