1. Keep your mobile phone on a stand /laptops and computers on a table and maintain a distance of 20 inches from the screen. 2. Do not hold gadgets all the time as harmful radiations are emitted. 3. Blink occasionally while using gadgets to avoid strain. 4. For a class-time of 45 minutes,stretch hands and legs after every 20 minutes,look away from the screen if eyes are strained and request a teacher for“BrainBreaks”. 5. Do not hold gadgets too close to the face as it is harmful for eyes. 6. For children,adult supervision while using gadgets is suggested. 7. Children should share the point of view and content they are watching onscreen. 8. Mobile phone may be connected to the television screen for watching movies or cartoons. 9. Do not use headphones unnecessarily. Connect mobile or computer with speakers instead. ...