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Showing posts from February, 2020

Why right school choosing is the most important decision

Education paves for students to help them attain the right knowledge they require to grow and make a better life out for themselves and for the society around them. Parents are aware of the face that for a successful life the foundation will only lie if their child receives proper education. BDM International acknowledged as one of the best schools in South Kolkata is poised to give your child the right knowledge of education they require to be successful in their career life. Being affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, our norms and standard of education provided to students develops students mindset to a more advanced one. Why BDM International ? ·          Leadership Building – A good school will always know the value of leadership skills it’s importance as it is one of the best asset for a child in their future prospects. It gives children the opportunity to learn new things, learn how to use it’s application and if made a mistake out of it learn how t

Get the golden opportunity to learn from amazing faculties.

Availing quality education is one of the most important gift a child can get in their lifetime as it is a gateway for them to build a better career, position in the society and fame that can be earned. That is what BDM International acknowledges it and our faculty members focuses in imparting you the right kind of education your child should attain in every class. With our campus located in South Kolkata, BDM International has all the updated technology as well as facility to grant the right kind of education to the students. BDM International being an English Medium School is affiliated to CBSE. English being the most widely spoken language across every sphere in people’s life, improving student’s English vocabulary is one of the keen importance our faculty members give. Also improving student’s secondary language such as Hindi or Bengali. What makes BDM International a golden opportunity for your child? ·          Personality Growth– A student’s personality is what i