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Showing posts from November, 2019

How to Prepare for CBSE Class 10 Board Examination

The class 10 board examination is often considered as a nightmare by most students. Class 10 board examination marks are extremely important as these marks reflect academic excellence and knowledge of the student. The marks obtained in the Class 10 board exam is important for taking admission into class 11 as well as in various other institutes after class 12. Here, in BDM International we try to help our students by guiding them with some useful tips on how to prepare for the 10th class board examination. Know the syllabus:  Students preparing for class 10th board examinations should know the entire syllabus of all the subjects. Knowing the syllabus of the subjects will help to prepare a perfect study timetable and they also get to know about what to read and what not to read. Make a Time Table: Making a Time Table is very important as it is the backbone of the complete procedure which will be followed by students.  Choose a time slot in which you feel you are comfortable.